What is your heart burning for, yearning for? What can you already taste, . Feel . In your soul? . Your yearning for it is already so strong, it’s practically here already. . Except – not quite. . A part of you knows you’re worthy of this thing in your life – whether its evolution in your career, relationships, your health or the way . In . Which . You’re . Relating . To . YOU. . You want this because you’re craaaaving the magic of life – that is your birthright – full on. . You’re yearning for joy, peace, inner kindness and passion. . All of this is possible. . Most of it is possible tomorrow. . Or sooner. . I see you, my love. . Let me know what’s alive for you, in your desires for your life. . I’m a Somatic Soul Coach – here to support you to evolve your life in cutting edge, paradigm shifting ways. Let’s connect and start this coaching process for you. Contact me through the link in my bio, or directly through this platform. . I love you. Go gently (with fire!). . Ellie x. . #lifecoach #lifecoaching #transformationalcoaching #somaticsoulcoach #somaticlifecoach #somaticcoaching #newyou
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