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Find Freedom from Your Inner Critic. Visceral Video, Below!

My gift to the world has always been how energy flows through my body when strong emotions arise. I used to share this via my work as an actress but, now, I'm called to deliver it in a new way; not from the underbelly of a character or mask, but by showing my heart flowing, gut gripping truth to you on camera. And so it is with great joy (and a small wobble) that I’m doing exactly that, today!

May this transmission bring you permission to feel what you feel; may it allow you to take a lung softening breath of air and remember your humanity.

Being alive at on Earth at this time can be intense. Our shadows are arising, our inner critics are shouting and, in order to return our world to love, we're remembering how to feel. And, while this is sacred work, it's also a LOT and we can be left thinking 'what if I'm broken/crazy/way too much?! How can I BE with these feelings and live my life?!'

Ha. Yes. None of us are alone in these experiences and that's why,

in my newest video, I'm sharing strategy with you to help you to stay grounded in the midst of it all.

Whether you're feeling the sharp edge of your inner critic; a rambunctious rage or delicious delight... you’ll know you're present, seen and held in love.

During this video you will:

~Drop into your raw, authentic truth

~Gain radical support to be with what you feel

~Discover a revelatory way to relate to your emotions

~Receive strategy to support you when your inner critic arises so you stay:



-On track with love

I'd love to hear how this broadcast lands, for you, so feel free to share in the YouTube comments or reply to this email. And don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you'll receive notifications whenever I go live!

With love,

Ellie Paskell


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