Today, as the sun shone and the wind blew into my retreat, I welcomed the part of me which, frankly, hates me. . Yup. She does. . Tis true. . Bless her. . She does this with the best of intentions you understand… wanting to make me ‘better’; she points out anything undesirable; anything others may not like…. everything I’m ‘doing wrong’ (you name it). . I’ve grown wise, over the years, to her taunts (noticing that’s she’ll reprimand me for ‘failing’ an audition… professing how ugly and useless I am and… then… I find out I’ve got the job… ) but the thoughts she brings to my mind still feel poop. . Today, however, as she told me how ugly and lazy and un-talented I was, I saw her in a new light. “Ahh, there you are, sweet one” sighed my heart. “Come closer, I want to be with you.” And there, in the sunshine, she stood; all hard edges, tense lips and taught shoulders… and let me look at her. At which point something shifted. Who knows what, but… a little light got in as I allowed her to be more a part of myself than ever before and, in doing so… there was… relief. . (Andbreathe). . Just as I learn (day after day) that warring and arguing with others is a lost cause – I learn that hating on bits of myself is useless, too. All of my elements are trying to help and it’s simply my job to see them. Let them be. Hold them in as warm and steady a gaze as I can muster and, if I’m lucky, in comes love. A love which softens the edges between those parts of myself. And… mmm… that’s when my heart swells. That’s when my shoulders droop, that’s when I breathe again – knowing all things are well – just . as . they . are . right . now . (#andbreathe). . #selfforgiveness #perfectlyimperfect #radicalacceptance #allowing #integrity #beautifulme #acim #loveistheanswer #forgiveness #miracles #love #presence #inthismoment #norfolk #englishcoastline #shotoniphone7plus #peaceofmind #allowing #mindfulness #meditator #mindfulnesscoach #alliswell #mentalhealth #wellbeing #holyinstant (at Cley Next the Sea)
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