A post shared by Ellie Paskell (@bodylead_ellie) on Jul 11, 2019 at 9:59am PDT
Sometimes you just gotta dance with it. Emotions are just internal oceans, sweet one. Befriend yours and you have freedom beyond your wildest dreams. I promise. This is the core of the embodiment-revolution. When we’re ok with feeling – there’s NOTHING to run from anymore. #forreal . Here’s me dancing my emotions. I 💗 how – in this vid- I flew through such a range of feelings in a short time; just a few songs; . Powerful smacks of pain, jiggling jogs of play and smooth flowing love. It’s all good – just energy playing inside. . I’ve always had big ol’ emotions & have known – for a long time – that allowing them to be seen is my gift to the world. Originally this was in flowing them through characters as an actress. Your screens held my tears and fears and laughs and flow. Now I support clients to revolutionise their live by contacting their . Own . Fierce . Powerful . Heart pumping . Joy engendering . Health fizzing . Truths; . And letting these truths guide them to create lives that feeeel how they know life is supposed to feel!! Delicious and vitally delightful. Mmmmm. This could be you – awesome one. Want more of what you want in your life? Ready to step into a cutting edge modality to make that happen? Course you are. You deserve no less. . I support others to do this as a #somaticsoulcoach – which you can read more about my clicking the link in my bio and then the ‘Somatic Life Coaching’ tab. . And now – back to our chat about this video; my dancing with emotions and flow and LIFE. This is what we ARE; energetic beings with oceans whizzing within. . Let yours be, my love. . When you allow what you are and feel and breathe to BE – your POWER is unleashed. . Your emotions are your vital energy boogying, lovely. Let them flow. Welcome them. Welcome you. . I love you. . Ellie x . #lifecoach #selflove #emotions #trasformationalcoaching #embodiedlife #transformationallifecoach #selfkindness #peace #wellbeing #wellness #joy #play #meditation #somaticlifecoaching #somaticsoulcoach #alliswell #youarebeautiful #hereandnow #letgo #ifttt #lifecoaching #guidedmeditation #onlinemeditation #mindfulness #emotions #anger #wellness #ifttt (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzyLY8gBITG/?igshid=11vdwbyotofgh
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