A post shared by Ellie Paskell (@mindful_actress) on Aug 13, 2018 at 9:24am PDT
Part of my ‘30 Day’s of Truth; 30 Days of Red’ quest… here’s me speaking about something that makes my tummy turn over with passion. . Mmmmmmmm! . When my body first started giving me signals to change my life; to change the way I was living FROM THE INSIDE OUT . FROM MY VERY ESSENCE OF INTENTION AND PURPOSE… . … When I realised I HAD to begin living life on MY terms… . … At first, creating this change felt like I would die. Now, it tends to feel . WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! . Because with each step of this path I get to be more and more myself. That’s when life feels easy, flowing and healthful. Mmmm. . Feels like more love, power and health.. . And WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! . Sometimes I still panic. My head flips out… . So I come back to my body and ask . Her . ‘What’s next?’ . Then follow the golden highway she’s spinning for me… . One breath at a time. . #justbreathe #yesyoucan #alliswell #bodylead #somaticliving #somaticlifecoach #integrity #flow #power #joy #stopdoingshityouhate #beatofyourowndrum #ifttt (at Manchester, United Kingdom)
from Tumblr https://ift.tt/2w3XBdS via IFTTT