Last week I launched my new, monthly global gathering – Self Love Sundays. This was mmmmmmmmm beautiful and I invite you to sign up to attend the future SLS sessions. It’s totally free – simply click the link in my bio. . Some words on Self Love: here’s me sitting, celebrating how far I’ve come and the beauty of me, my life… the world… all of it. But particularly – the beauty of myself. Inside, outside, whatever. It’s all good. All human, divine, broken, utterly complete. All me. All awesome. . Sound arrogant? Quite possibly. Because – and here’s the thing – somewhere along the line of human history – we lost touch with the . Infinite . Importance . (And jaw dropping power) . Of loving ourselves. . That is – giving love and celebration to ourselves. . NB – this is the opposite of arrogance. Arrogance is grounded in fear. Self love is grounded in… well… love ☺️😎 😉 💥. . You think you want that job, that partner, that body type, that cash. I tell you you are wrong (with respect 😉) (‘wrongness’ is welcome too). What you want is a particular feeling. Peace. Joy. Love. Presence. And lying at the base of all of these feelings is WORTHINESS… ENOUGHNESS. This (THIS!) Is what you’re seeking to feel sweet one. And – in truth – this comes . And only comes . From feeling love for yourself. . During the thousands of hours I’ve spent in Somatic Journeying practice, I’ve watched my energy-body dance and reconfigure. I’ve watched as She’s shown me what creates health and joy inside human beings – which is a free flowing current of energy. This current of energy is love – and all love is grounded in self love. . So sign up for Self Love Sundays, sweet one. You are most warmly invited and abundantly welcome. . The Self Love Sundays tribe meets one Sunday a month, 3:45pm UK time (10:45am EST, 7:45am Pacific) for our online session. During this magical time I hold space for you to nourish your relationship with yourself. There’s mediations, practices for you to take into your daily life and opportunities for you to coach live with me. #awesomeness . #selflovesundays #selflove #selfkindness #peace #wellbeing #wellness #joy #play #meditation #somaticlifecoaching #ifttt https://www.instagram.com/p/BuMcwTjn4fu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n9beooe54xrv
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