Join me for a live interview and Q&A on the topic of Reverence for the Body as a Path to Healing (whoop!) . Wednesday 24th April 5pm UK time /12pm EST / 9am Pacific. I’d love you to be there. . I’ll send the live link out nearer the time but for now ***save the date***. . This will be a beautiful chance to hear about how self-reverence supports all wellness journeys. Whether you’re experiencing illness or would simply like a more loving connection with yourself, I invite you to tune in. . I’ll be sharing some of the wisdom my Body has imparted to me these past ten years; talking on how healing is enhanced when we show ourselves radical welcoming. . The interview will be hosted by Frances Goodall, co founder of @thewomenswellnesscircle and will cover: . ~ How the body speaks to us through sensations and symptoms .~ How to welcome all parts of ourselves just as we are .~ Working with anger and self-forgiveness on the path of healing . This interview marks my joining the Women’s Wellness Circle as a coach :-D. .The circle is a beautiful, supportive healing community for women. If you identify as a woman and would like to join their mailing list (and gain their free online ‘Reclaim Your Health’ course) you can sign up at www.womenswellnesscircle.com . . #womenswellness #wellbeing #somatichealings #somaticsoulcoach #somatics #somaticliving #healing #wellness #thebodyspeaks #reverenceforthebody #somaticreverence #healing #alliswell #welcominganger #selfforgiveness #selflove #trustingtheuniverse #spiritjunkie #ifttt #radicalwellbeing #trustinghealing #trustingthebody #mindfulness #elliepaskell #bodypositive (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv1lf0TBgLN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=424ul7hrnrum
from Tumblr https://ift.tt/2VnXjts via IFTTT