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I’m inspired and excited to be a part of The Emerging Kind; an…

Writer's picture: Ellie PaskellEllie Paskell

I’m inspired and excited to be a part of The Emerging Kind; an organisation that’s growing the emotional and mental health of all involved.

Have you ever had an experience didn’t talk about because you didn’t hear others speaking of similar things? My emergence experience has been like that, in part. Now I share about it more freely, however, and life gets more and more beautiful.

As an organisation, Emerging Kind is reframing ‘mental illness’ as the transformative experience it is for so many. And soon I (along with others all over the country) will be holding space for people to grow their trust in their own knowings; to own and language their experiences.

So why am I excited to be part of The Emerging Kind?

For me, the ‘spiritual emergence process’ has gifted me with sparkling new eyes. Eyes which see that when I’m sad or raging I’m far more at peace than if the feelings are pushed down. The act of honouring my experience – of self respecting – creates life force itself; that which the very stitches of wellbeing are crafted from.

It’s been a mind wooshingly magical ten years. A time of awakening that has shown me unconditional joy and how to live with a gentleness and integrity I used to long for. Through it, I’ve learned to navigate life from the inside out and march to the beat of my own drum.


It’s also been kind of wild…


(There’s my head as my belief system spun on its axis).


(There’s my bum planting, firmly on the earth).


(There’s me knowing nothing would ever be the same).

(And breathe).

My experience of life has been transformed and what’s challenging about that is the self criticism that can arise.

I perceive things differently now, meaning I don’t live within my old parameters of ‘good and bad’ or ‘worthy and unworthy’ but act from an innate wisdom. The body guides better than any book and has shown me to



To stop doing so much and sense into what




This new road is beautiful and I couldn’t be walking it without precious friends, family and practitioners at my side.

Those who allow me to express my experience without trying to amend it to fit their own.

Criticism, censorship and shame play no part in wellness because the thought ‘there’s something wrong with me’ doesn’t make a person well.

I used to think the mind and body were separate and that I was nothing more than body and brain. But things evolve, I must let them; allowing is where peace lies. We used to think the world was flat, that women shouldn’t vote and being homosexual was ‘something to be fixed.’ But things evolve, we must let them; allowing is where peace lies.

Emerging Kind is creating a space for this allowing. While the health system is looking for new ways to support those in it, Emerging Kind is opening a door.




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