Angels, you are invited to a delicious Sunday afternoon with me. This free event happens online but once a month and this month’s is tomorrow. If you’ve not yet signed up for Self Love Sundays – you can do so by clicking the link in my bio or going to www.elliepaskell.com/signup . . 16th June 3:45 UK time (10:45am EST / 7:45am PT) and happens regularly, once a month. . It’s going to be beautiful and I’d love you to be there. . Self Love Sundays is a monthly, online session which supports you in deepening your self love, to revolutionise your life. . So why Self Love? Here’s why: . I see you flying, sweet one . Flying and dancing with the knowing of your own worth. . This feeling of worthiness – this is self love; where it comes from, what it’s made of, what you’re here for. . Self love is the true beat of your drum. It’s that which brings health, joy, nourishment and every other thing you’re wanting. . The way you relate to yourself is the cornerstone from which you experience every other thing in your life. . #forreal . Did you get that? . Every . Experience. You . Have . Is determined by how you relate to yourself. . Self Love is the thing. . So come and join . Let’s gather. . From all corners of the globe to learn to love ourselves more. . Come, step into this pocket of kindness. . Sign up. (It’s free) <3. . (Grin). . www.elliepaskell.com/selflove . #selflovesundays #selflove #selfkindness #peace #wellbeing #wellness #joy #play #meditation #somaticlifecoaching #somaticsoulcoach #webinar #alliswell #youarebeautiful #hereandnow #letgo #ifttt #lifecoaching #guidedmeditation #onlinemeditation #mindfulness #wellbeingevent #wellnessevent #event (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byu7EDXB38I/?igshid=1k5d4wuoqlgh9
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