Tree-sitting Buddha from my retreat/pilgrimage to spiritual spots across the UK, last week. . And breathe 💨. . It’s funny – I’ve wanted to write all these dynamic ‘pow’ posts for the past few days but kept feeling I needed to post these still photos, first. What has come out of my trip is a sense of ‘Pow’ yes but also… stillness. That moment before the cricket leaps or cat pounces. The naps One Direction would have had before they rampaged around in concert. I feel the energy in me – but my body asks for stillness. . And time has taught me to know this is sacred. Nature moves in cycles of expansion and contraction; blossoming and sleeping. And so do we. If we allow ourselves to. Season by season, day by day, moment by moment. . So, should you need it, may this beautiful Buddha bring a reminder to take a breath. Or five. To sink into your innate knowing that . All . Is . Well . Just exactly as it is. . (And breathe) . . You are beautiful, perfect, miraculous and luminous as you are. Simply breathing. And I love you. . May you love yourself too. . #love #peace #buddha #meditation #stillness #alive #alliswell #mentalhealth #allowing #treesisters #englishcountryside #meditationretreat #naturalwisdom #spiritjunkie #indigo #rewilding #wisewoman #ifttt (at Adhisthana)
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