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Yup, we’re mixing things up and combining two most wondrous things to make magic; those things being performance technique and mindfulness (‘we’ being Daniel Bradford of @playwithfiremcr and @hopestudiosmcr and I).

Truth is, much of acting is essentially mindfulness practice. When we endeavour to keep our attention on our scene partner (for that’s where the inspiration is… ); when we intend to release thoughts that say ‘what’s my line what’s my line (?!!) do I look okay? AM I FEELING ENOUGH?!’ and to Come. Back. To. The. Moment… to let go and allow a scene to unfold… this is us practicing mindfulness.

And it’s this, combined with mindfulness’ capacity to help us with performance nerves, vocal clarity and many (many) other elements of acting, which makes for a combination that’s wondrous.

So we’re combining these techniques with our own wonder and making awesomeness.

If you’re a performer (or not) and would like to bring some mindfulness into your life, I invite you to turn your attention to your breath. It’s easy to be hard on ourselves. To be perfectionist or blaming for something that isn’t ‘going right’. But here’s the thing – all is well honey, and you’re doing your best. Standing on stage/in front of a camera (or anywhere in life) can feel pressurised and it’s a whole lot easier when we breathe, re-group and allow ourselves to be how we are. Human.

Breathe sweetheart; just breathe.

Notice that you’re breathing. That you’re inhaling and exhaling… that you feel things and worry and have joy, pain and delight. Let yourself be all that you are in this Now and bring your attention to your breath. The breath will always be here; always a companion you can use to bring yourself back to the moment, where you can allow yourself to know it’s okay. For all really, really is okay.


Today I’m practicing gratitude or  ‘appreciation’ because it transforms my moments and enriches everything.

Appreciation allows us to luxuriate in the loveliness that’s already here so there’s no need to grasp for more, or reach out of this moment. All that’s required of us, sweet one, is to breathe in, breathe out, and be here now (#phew).

And what we’re appreciating can be ‘simple’ things (like cool, clean air, buds with raindrops on and cups of tea… ) though, having said that, these are (in actual fact) pretty d*#n miraculous in themselves because… life is miraculous. Rain falling, leaves sprouting and clouds floating above our constantly spinning planet… #awesome.

(at Manchester, United Kingdom)


I thought this little one was a gonner… (since it went floppy and brownie and generally unhappy) so imagine my delight when, after a new pot and location, it perked right up.

Whoop for miracles of healing and transformation 🌳🍃🌳. #trust #believe #alliswell #anythingcanhappen #wellbeing #health

Hoping this image brings you joy ☺️.


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