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Today we leave my sister’s Moon Lodge in Massachusetts, and I feel such joy for having been here.

I’m filled with appreciation for my mindfulness practice which reminds me to appreciate the beautiful and allow challenges to flow through; I am stronger and more in my power every day.

Thank you thank you thank you for my life.

Thank you thank you thank you for my sister @doulaforyoursoul . When I am with you, I see my light more clearly than ever. When I see you as you truly are I’m filled with belly rumbling, spine tingling throat freeing love.

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#mindfulness of #allowing Welcoming all my emotions at this time – with the love and warmth I’d offer a friend. I’m off on holiday and, hence, my head’s loud about ‘what I should be feeling’. #andbreathe

The thing about resisting emotions is my energy ends up stuck in the resisting. Meaning I miss the beauty that’s all around. Traveling brings stuff to the surface; I’m out of my comfort zone, away from familiar territories and out of schedule. And it also brings up wonder (and joy, pleasure, connection and spine tingling expansion.) So, in this moment, I surrender my thoughts and open my heart in gratitude for the miracles that grace me. Thank you for my sister – @doulaforyoursoul – who is my sister both by birth, soul and star. Thank you for family, for adventures, for wild-alive cities like New York. Thank you for warmth and tea and Brooklyn dwellers with beards and caps and take away cups. Thank you for road trips and brunch trips and ceremony and my warrior-heart that reminds me how loved I am, and how to love the world. Thank you for this life I’m living, in which my freedom and capacity to be boldly, radically, rooted-ly myself grows daily. #beauty #allowing #selflove #selfacceptance #emotions #flow #miracles #spiritjunkie #humanresilience #peaceofmind #gratitude #lightworker #newyork #nyc #brooklyn #littlezeldas #cafelife #family (at Brooklyn, New York)

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Today I send love to you, wherever you are and whatever you’re feeling. I’ve had (another) lesson in self compassion this afternoon. That no matter what I think – there’s always another ladle of radiant self love to pour upon my heart. That I really can’t hold myself too gently; that I can’t say enough kind things to myself and that true compassion knows no bounds. Now I’m off to meditate in a pool of heart-summoned light x.

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