A three month journey for women.
With community.
With support.
With magic.
A Three Month Embodiment Path
Honour your body and learn Her language.
Follow your instincts & harness your guts.
Develop Somatic Strategy to re-find your centre, no matter what.

Be guided on a breath taking journey, through the Seven Spheres of the Somatic Realm,
to reignite your YOU.
The empaths on the planet are being called to follow their
body-guidance, like never before.
We are the sensitives, able to channel Gaia’s guidance through our felt sense;
guidance that's vital to the creation of our new world.
And we WANT to listen to our bodies; to follow our felt sense and dance our unbound fire!
Our bodies speak only with love, only our truth and only in alignment with Mother Earth.
And yet - empaths have a paradox within.
Being sensitive means: we feel not only our own emotions but those of other people too
and, at times, we lose ourselves in the world outside.

Perhaps you relate to having two parts of you at play?
1) The part of you that's ready to follow your body no matter what!
2) The part of you that's still swayed by external norms, needs and opinions.
If this is true for you - I bet you've wondered:
HOW do I keep following my body when I can be so acutely influenced by what's around me?

Are you sick of returning to societal norms when they don't serve your soul?
Do you want to honour the vitality of your truth and nothing else?!
If so, I hear you. And Gaia has got your back.
Through me - she has channeled an exquisite program to support you to:
~Root into your body like never before.
~Develop somatic strategy to re-find your centre - no matter what.
~Empower your truth to fly!
~Be gobsmacked by your greatness.
~Lessen the strength of your apology-impluse.

~Be Guided through the Seven Spheres of the Somatic Realm with a small group of women.
~Receive individual attention and support.
~Learn your body's unique tongue.
~Empower the Radically Embodied You to lead.
~Honour your emotions as the sacred guidance system they are.
~Receive a stunning portfolio of Somatic Strategies which utilise:
-Your body's innate intelligence (heart and belly brains - in conjunction with the mind) for unshakable clarity.
-Self directed neuroplasticity
-Self love
~Receive Wisdom from Guides, Including:
-Goddess Soma
-Grandmother Universe​
~You Will be Supported to:
~Craft soul action to continue your quest - between sessions.
~Listen to your body reverently and frequently throughout the three months.
~Dance your unbound delight!
~Open to pleasure.
~Stop apologising for your truth.
If you’re ready to root - deeper than ever - into your body, you are invited into:
Your Body, Your Truth, No Apology.
A 3-month program in which you will:

Support from me - Ellie Paskell​
During the program you will receive personalised support from me - Ellie Paskell - Somatic Soul Coach, Mindfulness Teacher and Creative.
The trainings and credentials I have are, of course, only part of what I bring to the space.
When I coach you - what's present is life experience. The past ten years have seen me follow my body to healing, freedom and joy through challenges including: post traumatic stress disorder, chronic fatigue and the upside down, inside out experience of kundalini awakening! During this time, I've taken years away from modern society to listen and be in loving communion with my body. Now I support others to tread their own unique path, as guided by their felt sense, and I can't wait to do so for you.

In beginning this journey you're taking a realm-spanning, transformational step for your life.
It's time to honour that.
In this session you will:
~Be guided into the Somatic Realm where anything is possible.
~Journey to the Sisters Sphere; our warm, fiery space that holds you in ceremony.
~Receive your Key to Transformation.
~Set your intentions for the coming three months.
~Be witnessed by your somatic sisters.
~Gain entrance to your personal pod within the Somatic Realm. Your personal pod is a space that shape shifts, instantly, to your needs. Within it you find clarity; welcome yourself exactly as you are and regulate your nervous system.
~Receive your Soul Action to support further exploration of this space, over the coming fortnight!
Session 1:
Somatic Ceremony
Your Body, Your Truth, No Apology!

Session 2:
Your Body Speaks
Each of your body sensations speak a thousand words.
Gut, Heart, and Womb Space are deeply intelligent and wired to the knowing of the cosmos.
Mainstream society has taught you to disregard your soma's voice - but She never grew silent!
In a deep somatic journey, you will be guided to understand and honour what you feel, like never before.
In this session you will:
~Be guided into the breathtaking Sphere of Language and Tongues and into a deep somatic journey.
~Receive your body's unique Code of Expansion and Contraction.
~Hear the voice of your limbs, organs and bones and learn your body's language.
~Get radical permission to follow what feels good.
~Receive your body's answer to a question that's potent for you at this time.
~Know your truth in a whole new way and let it guide you to joy!
~Craft soul action to support you in following your body's voice over the coming fortnight (emphasis on pleasure and play!)!

Session 3:
Radically Embodied You
Your R.E.Y. is your Radically Embodied You. She brings your true you back with clarity, love and fire.Society's guided you to lock her up - but Gaia needs her here and dancing! It's time to welcome her home.
Within this session you will:
~Be guided into the vast R.E.Y. Sphere with its opalescent glow.
~Receive a somatic activation from The Eternally Emancipated Beings.
~Journey back, along your timeline, to re-member your right to vitality.
~Meet and EMBODY the Radically Embodied You.
~Feel your truth, express your truth, honour your truth!
~Receive your Posture of Freedom; and be supported to to live your exuberant truth over the coming fortnight.

Session 4:
Greet Your Truth Binder
Your Truth Binder is the part of you that holds you in and keeps you apologising. Perhaps she's tied your tongue to keep the peace, or frozen your heart to numb the pain.
She's been doing her best to keep you safe - but no longer serves your highest good.
It's time to take her power away.
This session you will:
~Be guided into the dual-toned Sphere of Unbinding.
~Discover the essence of your Truth Binder; why she's here and what she's made of.
~Be guided in a journey to embody your Truth Binder and experience sacred reconciliation.
~Discover the root of why you've been:
-putting others' needs before your own
-Suppressing your emotions
-Shaming your self expression
~Open to resentment or rage as radical pathways to vitality.
~Receive somatic strategy to: lessen the power of your truth binders in your life and let authenticity and freedom flow!
~Be supported to action this strategy in your 'real world'.

Session 5:
The Truth of Your Emotions
Your emotional guidance system was gifted you at birth. It's clear - it's unmistakable - it leads to magic.
But the world's bolstered beliefs such as:
-Your emotions are to be numbed and ashamed of.
-Your feelings are an inconvenience to others.
Let me be clear:
The world is the upside down place it is because us humans HAVEN'T been following our emotions. Let's flip the script!
Within this session you will:
~Be guided into the jaw-dropping Sphere of Emotions to:
~Revere your emotions as the sacred guidance system they are.
~Flow your emotional ocean - and welcome your vitality back!
~Be reinitiated into connection with the Sacred Compass of All and witness your inner landscape appear, as if by magic, before your eyes.
-Discover which of your emotions you most need to re-acquaint with.
-Be supported to craft Soul Action to make this happen - by planning a Date with your body!

Session 6:
Balancing Your Being & Doing
Are you able to rest without guilt?
Your beliefs about work, rest and play are core to your relationship with your body. Whether you're aching for down time or exasperated from too much rest - this session will support you to manifest balance in your life; the balance that FEELS right to your body.
It's time to rest - your way. No apology.
In this session you will:
~Be lead into the Sphere of Slumber.
~Be guided in deep somatic journey to:
~Meet Grandmother Cosmos and receive her transmission on the productivity of letting go.
~Honour your right to guilt free rest and dance, delightedly with what you love doing.
~Tune into your beliefs about work and activity.
~Release the beliefs that no longer serve you!
~Embrace newfound permission to let go whenever you need!
~Receive your personal Somatic Routine; your pre-planned practice for clarity and calm.
~Be supported to practice your Somatic Routine for further guilt-free balance over the coming fortnight!

It's time to celebrate, collate and continue! This program wasn't just for three months; rather the tools and strategies you've gained will perpetuate your embodiment into the future.
In this ceremonial session you will:
~Journey to the Sisters Sphere; the warm, fiery space where we gather in circle.
~Receive your Jewel of Completion from Goddess Soma.
~Celebrate your new capacity to live from your body!
~Gather the somatic tools you've received these three month and make a plan to keep using them.
~Revere your body and shower yourself with appreciation.
-Receive loving strategy to continue your embodiment journey for the next 30 days and beyond!
*********May a lifetime of embodiment be yours! ********
Session 7:
Celebrate, Collate, Continue!
In addition to the seven live video sessions, you will receive
~Access to the private community Facebook group
~Access to the private course portal
~Downloadable, guided practices to
support you between sessions
~Replays of all sessions
Every Session There will be:
~Opportunity to receive personalised support
~Soul Action for you to take between sessions; bringing evolution into your everyday life

Dates and Times
This is a three month path.
We meet every two weeks for seven live sessions.
Wednesdays 4:45pm UK / 11:45am NYC / 8:45am LA
Session 1: 27th April 2022 - 60-90 minutes
Session 2: 11th May 2022 - 90-120 minutes
Session 3: 25th May 2022 - 90-120 minutes
Session 4: 8th June 2022 - 90-120 minutes
Session 5: 22nd June 2022 - 90- 120 minutes
Session 6: 6th July 2022 - 90- 120 minutes
Session 7: 20th July 2022 - 90- 120 minutes

There are three program options to choose from:
Level 1 — Foundation: GBP £255: Full Group Program + Private Online Course Portal & Community Group
Level 2 — Fly: GBP £388: All of the above PLUS a 45-min 1:1 Wildly Embolden Session
Level 3 — Soar: GBP £511: All of the above PLUS a 45-min 1:1 Sacred Expression Session
Payment Plans Options
Level 1 Payment Plan: 4 monthly payments of £77
Level 2 Payment Plan: 4 monthly payments of £111
Level 3 Payment Plan: 4 monthly payments of £144
Payment Plan Level 2: Fly
Payment Plan Level 3: Soar
And Your Delicious Bonuses!

1) Your Soma Jar Session!
On 13th July 2022 4:45pm UK / 11:45am NYC / 8:45am LA
Throughout your program, you will be guided to, gently, create your 'Soma Jar'.
This is an optional but highly recommended part of the course.
Your Soma Jar works like a deck of oracle cards; with my support, you'll fill it with guidance, magic and love and then, in future, whenever you need to reconnect to your body , you'll draw some guidance from your jar. This, combined with the accompanying e-book (which you will receive for free!) will be there for you, as often as you need!
Your jar can be as plain or ornate as you wish and, in this beautiful bonus session, we'll come together to complete your jars, fill them with somatic love and weave support to stay connected to your body for the rest of your days!
2) Bonus, Free, Guided Practice
To support you to drop into love and respect for yourself, even before the live sessions begin, you'll receive an additional guided practice to download and keep.
***. This course will run, again, from 27th April 2022 and you can take your place by using the payment buttons, above!
If you have any questions, please contact me, below. ***
***To Your Embodied Revolution***
Ellie Paskell
Somatic Alchemist, Soul Coach, Creative.