I'd love to feature you in
Doing it Deliciously
global embodiment retreat
Work, rest, healing and play; find out what happens when you truly do it your body's way
Doing it Deliciously will broadcast May 19th - 24th 2024 and is being produced by me Ellie Paskell; somatic coach, mindfulness based pain and stress management teacher and award winning creative.
With twenty five years professional experience in the healing and expressive arts, I support people to come home to who they truly are by following the guidance in their bodies.

The past three years have seen me create two global embodiment retreats that gave radical space for the body's voice.
It's been wonderful to come together with other heart centred, trail blazing beings and touch thousands of lives and, this time, I'd love to do so with you!

The event will have a total reach of
100,000 people or more.
It's an beautiful opportunity for you to reach people, all around the world, who are thirsty for the magic you bring.
If you decide to take part, this is how we'll work together:
1~ You’ll schedule your recording session at a time that works for you and complete your space holder questionnaire and agreement
2~ You and I will record a wonderful session, featuring you, within which you're welcome to offer a free gift (opt-in) to invite new people to your email list and share about any projects, creations or programs that you're working on
3~ The event website will have a page, dedicated to you, with a link to your website and
free gift
4~ The 14 days prior to Doing it Deliciously is the retreat's promotional period; during which you’ll tell your community about it with two solo emails to your full mailing list
5~The event is live, 19th - 24th May 2024! Attendees lives are changed forever :-)
6~ After the event, you’ll receive a copy of your session recording to share/monetise as you wish

If you know you'd love to be featured in the retreat (wonderful!) simply reply 'yes!' to my email and I'll send you the link to schedule your recording.
And if you'd like to get a feel for my work you're welcome to check out my past, global retreats
Featured Space Holders and Artists in My Past Retreats have Included

Alexandra Pope
& Sjanie hugo Wurlitzer
Founders of Red School

Susannah Darling Khan
Co Founder of Movement Medicine

International energy healer, channel and teacher

Sarah Nutting & Karisha Longaker
Visionary musical group

a soul called joel
Grammy nominated musician & guide

Somatic therapist, nutritional councillor

Founder of the Pelvic Floor Integration™ method and the Essence of Bellydance™

Globally renowned musical artist and coach.

bernadette pleasant
Founder of The Emotional Institute® & Femme!

Movement maestra,
co-founder of The 360 Emergence

DeAnna L'am
Womb visionary, pioneer of the Global Red Tent Movement

torie feldman
Ancestral healing guide & Founder of Sacred Ancestry

jocelyn mercado
Founder of Sacred Planet & guide for visionary entrepreneurs

Sensual intelligence guide

Founder of Kvika Fold Shamanic Dance

Award-winning vocalist, storyteller and guide

tasha blank
Conscious DJ and movement coach

Jeralyn Glass
Musician, singer, crystal bowl meditation leader

sameer patel
Filmmaker and co creator of the Kundalini Collective

Intuitive soul purpose mentor &
conscious DJ

frances goodall
Author, coach & founder of The Women's Wellness Circle
If you know you'd love to be featured in the retreat (wonderful!) simply reply 'Yes!' to my email and I'll send you the link to schedule your recording.

With the Doing it Deliciously global embodiment retreat we're busting the myth that the body's way is impractical.
Together we'll open to softening and peace.
It’s ingrained in our psyches that ignoring the body’s voice is paramount for survival when the opposite is true.
Everything we do whether work, rest, self care or play happens on the most
when we begin by honouring our bodies.
Yet many of us live according to the lie that making money, being happy, or doing what 'needs to be done' means going against what feels good.
It's time to return to the undeniable truth that in order to create lives that feel like love, we must first align with the love within.

Millions across the globe are thirsting to live in greater alignment with their embodied needs but believe it's impossible, or lazy to do so.
“I can’t get done what I NEED to GET DONE and honour my body’s flow"
“I can’t work, rest or play in alignment with what my body wants. Who can?!!!”
These are the biggest crocs of the 21st century and they’ve limited us for centuries.
Until now.
The Feminine is ready to return; she wants to bring her guidance to the way we work, rest, heal and play.
We KNOW there’s another way to live; our bodies are crying out for it but our thoughts respond with scorn.
And so we miss it; the potent pathway beckoning us with its wide open door, saying
Let your body lead.
It's time to truly live again."
If you know you'd love to be featured in the retreat (wonderful!) simply reply 'Yes!' to my email and I'll send you the link to schedule your recording.