Your Embodied Revealtion Session
Step into TRANSFORMATIVE one to one space

Silence the noise of the outside world
Contact the undeniable truth that lives in your body
~ Give it reverence, freedom and voice
~ Be supported to honour that truth so you're at your own side like never before
~ Let your needs, knowings, intentions and inspiration take flight
~ Receive a powerful body-aligned action or inaction step to propel you forward on the path of your soul

Your session will support you to nourish the element of your life that's most precious to you.
Whether that's your health, work life, relationships or something else, you’ll do so by reconnecting to your innate intelligence; the knowings in your cells, heart, belly and bones.
Perhaps it's time for you to step forward on your path of aliveness; maybe there's a soul aligned career you need to create or you’ve a health condition it's time to heal. I'll support you to follow your body's voice by stepping out of the constraints of your mind and opening to what you know.
Your body's voice

No more
or wronging

Who you are

Receive a clear, body aligned action or inaction step which propels you forward on the path of your soul
The step you receive in your session will be unique to you but it may well mean you:
- Deepening your relationship to yourself so that you're living increasingly aligned with self reverence and joy
- Healing your body
- Creating a beautiful shift in an 'external area' of your life such as work, relationships or play

~ Uncovering the inner-critic that's been keeping you down
-Finding freedom its belittling beliefs
~ Empowering the part of you that knows you CAN
~Flexing your wings to align with your soul
~ Discovering the sacred messages contained within the symptoms/sensations you feel
Further outcomes of the session can include you:
This session is valued at:
Price, at this time:
This Reduced Price is Available Until
Monday 10th June 11:59 pm LA time
The Body-Yes Bonus
The first 3 people who register on Monday June 3rd will also receive special access to my Somatic Foundations video session in which you will:
Receive two powerful practices to
~ Regulate your nervous system in the midst of stress
~ Connect to and follow your body's voice
This will set you up, wonderfully, for our live session together. What could be more awesome than that?

" To work with Ellie has been the biggest turning point of my life, I finally feel that I am home, that I am me... I can now meet each moment, each message, with interest, with observation, compassion and kindness. I am now in my life, experiencing it like I never have before."
"When I began sessions with Ellie, my life was at a standstill due to a period of chronic fatigue. Having been guided to connect with my soma, I was able to listen to my body's wisdom and hear what I really needed.
I have discovered a deep respect for what my body needs through our sessions; letting go of societies expectations and hearing my own needs. The result of which is that I am, now, recovered and planning my return to work. I feel quite transformed thanks to these coaching sessions. It's been magical!"

I can't wait to hold space for your embodied revelation
With love
Ellie Paskell

During our time together -
I Ellie Paskell - Somatic Soul Coach™ and mindfulness based pain and stress management teacher - will support you to move forward in alignment with your truth by holding space for all of you - complete with:
~ Your Sensations and Impulses ~
Exhale out of your the mind's preconceptions; emancipate your un-worded truth
~ Emotions ~
contact your undeniable, in the moment needs and knowings - discover ways forward you couldn't have planned with your mind
~ Beliefs ~
Discover if a limiting belief if holding you back - find freedom from its binds
~ Values ~
Clarify - are you living according to your true values or someone else's? Discover what makes your heart sing 'yes!' - let that be your guide
~ Nervous System ~
Discover where you're becoming anxious/dissociated/hijacked by fear - discover new ways to move forward with bring flexibility and support to your system so you're not powering through distress but healing it at its source
~ Your Inner Critic and Soul Self ~
Work gently and firmly with the parts of you that drag you down and empower the ones that are here to see you soar

Finding Freedom
During your Embodied Revelation session you will meet and empower the parts of your soma that know you can
These are the parts of you that:
~ Support you to live as you fiercely desire
~ Bring healing
~ See you only with love
~ Say yes to your embodied knowings
~ Know it's time for you to live from your soul
Welcoming All of You Home
Over the course of your life, elements of your being have been shut away. Perhaps you've hidden sadness, shame, or locked your exuberance up tight.
Now's the time for all of you to be here.
During your session, you'll discover the parts of your soma that are ready and eager to return.
With this returning comes clarity, health, empowerment and joy.