Somatic Life Coaching with Ellie Paskell
the way,
the knowing,
the life
that's yours
Step into TRANSFORMATIVE one to one space

Silence the noise of the outside world
hear the truth of your BONES
your coaching journey WITH ME includes:
Private somatic life coaching sessions of 60-75 minutes
Email/WhatsApp support from me between sessions
Creation of Soul Play so that you leave each session with body aligned action or inaction step which propels you forward on the path of your soul

Somatic Life Coaching supports you to nourish the elements of your life most precious to you.
Whether that's your health, work life, relationships or something else, you’ll do so by reconnecting to your innate intelligence; the knowings in your cells, heart, nervous system and soul.
Perhaps it's time for you to be uncompromising in honouring your health or to create a soul centric career. I'll support you to follow your body's voice by stepping out of the constraints of your mind and opening to what you know.
No more
or wronging

your instincts

Finding Freedom
During your somatic life coaching journey you'll meet and empower the parts of you that know you can
These are the parts of you that:
~ Support you to live as you fiercely desire
~ Bring healing
~ See you only with love
Your body's voice

No more living according to the expectations of others or compromising your aliveness. Somatic life coaching is a leading edge, inside-out process that’s guided by your body, nervous system and soul.
welcoming all of you home
Over the course of your life, elements of your being have been shut away. Perhaps you've hidden sadness, shame, or locked your exuberance up tight.
Now's the time for all of you to be here.
During your sessions with me, you'll discover the parts of your soma that are ready and eager to return.
With this returning comes clarity, health, empowerment and joy.

" To work with Ellie has been the biggest turning point of my life, I finally feel that I am home, that I am me... I can now meet each moment, each message, with interest, with observation, compassion and kindness. I am now in my life, experiencing it like I never have before."
"When I began sessions with Ellie, my life was at a standstill due to a period of chronic fatigue. Having been guided to connect with my soma, I was able to listen to my body's wisdom and hear what I really needed.
I have discovered a deep respect for what my body needs through our sessions; letting go of societies expectations and hearing my own needs. The result of which is that I am, now, recovered and planning my return to work. I feel quite transformed thanks to these coaching sessions. It's been magical!"
The Coaching Journey
Your Somatic Life Coaching program will be a combination of my tried and tested process and a path created, specifically, for you.
I craft a bespoke pathway, utilising tools from my work as a Somatic Soul Coach, mindfulness based stress and pain management teacher, awakening support guide and creative. Your body leads the way, my body shares her intuition and a wonderful journey takes place.
To discover more about how I work, read on...

How it Works
~ Your First Step
We meet for a Connection Call (20 minutes) to see if we'd like to work together. You'll share what you're yearning for in your life and discover how it feels to be coached by me :-)
~ Session Number 1
I support you to get clear on your visions and intentions for your coaching path;
-What have you come to me for?
-What does your body say you need to be truly happy?
-The clarity of your intentions, then, creates a strong container for your coaching path. Perhaps you want to nourish your relationship with yourself, revolutionise your health, evolve your career or something else. Bring it and let your soma lead the way.
~ Each of Your Subsequent Sessions
Holds space for a topic or 'focus' that's deeply important to you; for example, you may want to focus on healing your body, strengthening a relationship or feeling free in your life. The naming of this creates grounding and clarity as you open to your body.
~ Every Session
You'll craft Soul Action (body aligned action or inaction steps) to carry out before we next meet. These may be gentle and internal (eg working with your emotions or welcoming rest) or external and bold (e.g. creating a business or speaking your truth).
~ Support
You have direct access to my support throughout your program via email or WhatsApp. I'm committed to your journey of embodiment and with you every step of the way.
"I’ve worked with Ellie Paskell for the last 6 months because I needed to interpret the messages that my body sends and, as part of a long journey with chronic fatigue syndrome, had completely forgotten about joy and needed to re engage with it.
Ellie held space, beautifully, for me to explore how to do this safely.
She helped me to re engage with parts of myself that I had forgotten and buried and, as a result of this coaching programme I became aware of patterns that were draining me. An example of which was that I had a great need to keep up with people around me so, therefore, completely drained my battery and didn’t set realistic boundaries! This contributed to fatigue. So now I can be authentic and set my baseline at my level; I trust my own feelings and can tune into what my soma is telling me.
I am a 60 year woman who accepts herself as she is for probably the first time in her people pleasing life, with no shame! I am celebrating this.
This is very much an ongoing journey which is both fascinating and exciting.
Many thanks, Ellie."
Finding Freedom
During your sessions you will meet and empower the parts of your soma that know you can.
These are the parts of you that:
~ Support you to live as you truly desire
~ Bring healing
~ See you only with love
~ Honour your embodied knowings
~ Know it's time for you to live from your soul
~ Know you are here to live a life that feels good
The loving elements of your being are empowered as you utilise your capacity for:
Self directed neuroplasticity
Nervous system regulation
Connection to your innate intelligence
Embodied delight
Welcoming All of You Home
~ Over the course of your life, elements of your being have been shut away. Perhaps you've hidden sadness and shame or locked your exuberance up tight.
~ Now's the time for all of you to be here.
~ As we work together, you'll discover the parts of your soma that are ready and eager to return.
~ With this returning comes health, empowerment and wonderful joy.

Uncovering Blocks
~ Each Session I hold space for you to uncover elements of your soma have been preventing you from spreading your wings. This will include uncovering your:
- Limiting beliefs
- Inner critics
- Places of disconnect from emotion
~Once you're aware of these limiting elements within, your are supported to dissolve their power for freedom and joy.
Coaching with me will evolve your life in powerful, body-lead ways.
Coaching Programs include:
Private life coaching sessions of 60-75 minutes
Email support from me between sessions
Creation of Somatic Soul Action so that you leave sessions with inspired, aligned action steps
Support from a coach who honours your wisdom
There are different time-frame options, to suit your needs.
During a program with me, you will be guided to:
Contact your undeniable truths
Act on these truths in a way that brings vitality
Connect to your body
Grow your emotional intelligence
Nourish your wellness
Step into your magnificence
During Sessions I Will Guide You to:
Regulate your nervous system
Engage with your emotions in a whole new way
Honour your body's wisdom
Become familiar with your values and belief systems for agency, freedom and joy
Sessions Include
Guided embodiment practices
Somatic ceremony
Support to exhale, root in and hear your body's truth
Invitation to be, truly, who you are
You may find yourself moving as you never have before; some of my clients are still in sessions, some move, some make sounds, many find new capacity to run, heal and dance in ways they hadn't thought possible
"Ellie handles each coaching session with consummate skill, great tenderness and unflinching directness.
Also she is extremely well organised and enables a smooth and also forensic transition from one session to the next, helping you to keep in touch by email between sessions.
I highly recommend her work."
Hilary Sinclair

"I am a great analyser, I try and figure things out in my mind or see things from a spiritual perspective, but Ellie kept guiding me back to my soma, where the real wisdom was to be found. The things I had been bypassing were brought to my attention in a state of acceptance and love. She also set me goals to achieve which were incredibly helpful and helped me bring these changes physically into the world."
"I knew that Ellie could offer me what I needed, namely a much better connection to my body and awareness of it.
In the six months I have been working with her she has abundantly shown the truth of that, and guided me towards full body, conscious awareness."
Hilary Sinclair
Training & Certification
Certified Somatic Soul Coach™, mindfulness based pain and stress management teacher, group facilitator for those in the awakening process, creative and more.
For further details click here.